I’ll admit that I have always been about %110 girl complete with all the dresses, glitter and ballet I could get! This week’s pattern collection was particularly fun for me to put together because I can imagine a much younger version of myself loving each and every one of these dresses.
Knitted dresses are nothing new, in fact they were incredibly popular in the early to mid 1900’s. But for some reason the knitted dress fell out of fashion for a couple of decades. I am happy to find that they’re back in style and I love knitting them!
Since knitting a dress in an adult size can be a little bit intimidating I thought we’d show off some smaller versions for you to try your hand at. No matter which one you choose to try I’m sure there will be a happy little girl in your life that will love it!
[title text=”Get The Pattern” style=”bold_center”]That 70’s Dress by Elena Nodel
Momo Little Dress by Pierrot
Sundress by Pierrot
Camaron by Taiga Hilliard
Sweet Argyle by Lorna Miser
Sailor Dress by Pierrot
Calendula by Alicia Plummer
Robe à volants by Muriela
Slipover Dress by Pat Olski
Garter Stripe Sweetie by Hope Vickman
If you’d like to show off your 30 Day Sweater you can submit your photos by email at photos@30daysweater.com or by using the hashtag #30daysweater on Instagram or Facebook.